2014年12月18日 星期四

The era of OpenCL 2.0 is comming

Although OpenCL 2.0 spec was finalized & released in Dec 2013. But it takes almost one year for vendors to implement 2.0 runtime. In the recent months, Intel and AMD have released their SDK (Intel SDK, AMD SDK) for OpenCL 2.0.

AMD provides a series of articles about the new features of OpenCL 2.0 on the AMD Developer Blog:
OpenCL 2.0 - Shared Virtual Memory
OpenCL 2.0 - Pipes
OpenCL 2.0 - Device Enqueue and Workgroup Built-in Functions
OpenCL 2.0 - Generic Address Space and Program Scope Variables
OpenCL 2.0 - Image Enhancement

Besides these, AMD also provides a source code package of OpenCL 2.0 Samples. It is worth to take a look. You can get the key points of OpenCL 2.0 from the topics of sample package and articles. IMHO, SVM, Pipes and Device Enqueue are the most important three features among the new features of OpenCL 2.0.

儘管 OpenCL 2.0 規格在2013年十二月就發佈了. 但是各家廠商花了近一年實作 OpenCL 2.0 runtime. 最近幾個月Intel 與 AMD 相繼釋出各自的 SDK (Intel SDK, AMD SDK) for OpenCL 2.0.

AMD 在其 Developer Blog 還發佈了一系列關於 OpenCL 2.0 新特性的文章:
OpenCL 2.0 - Shared Virtual Memory
OpenCL 2.0 - Pipes
OpenCL 2.0 - Device Enqueue and Workgroup Built-in Functions
OpenCL 2.0 - Generic Address Space and Program Scope Variables
OpenCL 2.0 - Image Enhancement

此外, AMD 也提供了 OpenCL 2.0 Samples 的原始碼, 值得一看. OpenCL 2.0 的關鍵點能透過這些原始碼與文章的標題觀察得到. 其中 SVM, Pipe 與 Device Enqueue 是個人認為 OpenCL 2.0 新特性之中最重要的3個.

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